Chocolate covered strawberry gelato


So today I did my weekly or every other week shopping trip to Whole Foods to stock up on some essentials. BUT today I decided to be wild and try a gelato that I couldn’t resist….Chocolate Covered Strawberry Gelato. Well, it was amazing and it even fit into my daily calorie intake for the win. It clocked in at ~160 calories per 1/2 cup serving. Not too shabby. I mean come on, how can you resist this?


This week has been kind of hectic so I haven’t made any crazy smoothies and have stuck with a basic chocolate protein shake recipe I really enjoy.


Chocolate Protein Shake

2 scoops Plain Goat’s whey (I use tara’swhey)  a total of 22 grams of protein in the two scoops

4 dates for sweetness and an added fiber boost

1 tablespoon chia again for fiber and a few grams of protein

1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil

1 teaspoon cinnamon

~1 1/2 cups cold water

Whirl it all today and there ya have it. You can add some ice if you’d like it more like a frappe consistency.


Have a great weekend. It’s my weekend on at the hospital, let’s hope it goes smoothly 🙂

Peach and Strawberry Smoothie


This morning I made up a new smoothie in my head when I was stretching at the gym. I recently bought some frozen peaches, which is a new frozen fruit I’ve never made a smoothie with because I don’t see them often or think about them. I was walking around whole foods with my boyfriend and spotted them and boy i’m glad! They give the smoothie a nice refreshing taste to them. I think they pair nicely with the hemp seeds. This smoothie is a little lighter on the calories than the previous one, and with all the fiber, protein, and healthy fats it could easily be halved with you still being plenty full. 

As I was pouring the smoothie out I had an idea that popped in my head to create a new container because I didn’t have any cups that would hold the entire smoothie. I used an extra 32oz plastic bulk container with cover and poked a hole in the middle to create a spot for a straw, and voila I have a new drinking container! I thought it was a nifty idea if I say so myself 🙂   Now onto the smoothie recipe and nutritionals

Peach and Strawberry Smoothie  (Makes about 4 cups) 

1/2 cup frozen or fresh peaches

1/2 cup frozen or fresh strawberries

1/2 cup frozen spinach

2 dates 

3 tablespoons chia seeds

2 tablespoons hemp hearts 

~2 1/2 cups water 

~6 ice cubes

Throw everything into blender and let it whirl! 


Have a good weekend! 


Chocolate Smoothie madness


This afternoon I concocted a smoothie that is FULL of fiber, protein, and healthy fats that will keep you satisfied for hours. It has a variety of ingredients to it and is one of my favorites yet. I have to mention that it is not a very sweet smoothie/shake but if you like dark chocolate and berries you will appreciate this recipe. I like this smoothie because it also has a hint of coconut flavor to it. 

Chocolate Berry Smoothie Recipe 

2 tablespoons chia seeds

2 tablespoons hemp hearts

2 tablespoons coco powder (i use the trader joe’s brand and find it has a pleasant taste) 

2 medjool dates (for added sweetness and 3 grams fiber) 

1/2 tablespoon sunflower seeds

1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil

1 teaspoon or so of cinnamon

1/2 cup frozen spinach

1/4 cup frozen cranberries

1/4 cup frozen blue berries

1/4 cup frozen dark cherries

and finally 1 cup of cold water and 4-5 ice cubes

Usually when I am finished making the smoothie it results in about 2 cups of smoothie and then I add some water to the blender and top off my 24 oz cup with the blender remains. You don’t have to add extra water but I prefer a thinner smoothie 🙂 

Here’s some pictures and the nutritional stats of the smoothie. Just a side note, this smoothie is high in calories so if your watching them I would suggest having half the smoothie because it is equivalent to a meal or more. The full recipe is a total of 653 calories.

ImageImageImage   It looks like sludge water thanks to the spinach, cocoa powder, and berries; but it tastes delicious! 


I calculated these stats from using the app called MyFitnessPal. I’m thinking that on a weekly basis I’ll feature my smoothie of the day. Until next time, have a great week!